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A Morning at Disney’s Hollywood Studios - Orlando / Florida Guide

Florida Guide > Hollywood Studios

On our visit to Disney’s Hollywood Studios last year the latest ride; Toy Story 4D, had only just opened and we had not wanted to waits hours to experience this latest addition to the theme parks attractions. So, on our most recent visit we decided to make an early start and get to the park when it opened. Despite our best efforts it was ten past nine when we entered the park, but we headed strait for Toy Story. As we approached we saw a queue which we assumed was for the ‘standby’ entrance and headed on past it to get to the fastpass machines. However, we soon discovered that the queue was in fact for the fastpasses! We returned to the end of the queue and while debating as to whether or not to bother waiting we were assured by a cast member that we would get our fastpasses within 10 mins. We decided to persevere and as promised we were at the head of the queue just ten minutes later and obtained our fastpasses which were timed for 11. 10 to 12. 10.

With an hour and a half to kill before our fastpasses could be used we first headed for one of our favourite shows – Muppets 3D. Although I know most of the dialogue by heart, having seen the show at least a dozen times by now, I still enjoy this perennial favourite. Our next stop was Aerosmith’s Rock ‘n Roller Coaster; my personal favourite ‘ride’ in Walt Disney World. As my wife is not a lover of roller coasters it was a good excuse for me to join the single rider queue and I was lucky enough to get two rides within twenty minutes, including being on the second row on my first ride.

As we passed the entrance to Tower of Terror I was surprised to see that the standby wait was longer than that for Rock ‘n Roller. Maybe it was the mix of visitors because in the past it has always been the reverse.

After a quick diversion via Star Tours it was time to head back to Toy Story and I’m pleased to say we were not disappointed. Although the ride has similarities to Buzz Lightyear in The Magic Kingdom it is also quite different. You collect your 3D glasses as you enter your car, which consists of two sets of two seats back-to-back.

The cars then set off through a ‘fairground’ (or Midway as the Americans refer to it).

You then stop in front of a series of stalls and as you fire your ‘cannon’ it either shoots virtual balls, tosses hoops, throws darts etc. , depending on the stall that you are faced with.

The object of the game is, naturally, to get a high score and it has the bonus that you can see where you are firing and adjust your aim a little easier than on the Buzz Lightyear ride. Great fun for all the family!

Having decide that our main aim was to get on Toy Story 4D we then left for an afternoon by the pool back at our villa thinking “Where did the morning go? ”.

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